Friday, May 3, 2013

My Own Closet's official, I hate moving. I was so tired from yesterday that I woke up today feel like I never even went to bed! And I had to work today making the thought of sleep even more appealing. I'm the type of girl who would love to have everything packed and put away the same day but that is not everrrr possible so I'm facing a little anxiety with things still spilled around my room and the living room. There just aren't enough hours in a day. I'm am pretty excited that I now have my own closet to myself and don't have to worry about boy suits and dress clothes taking up the whole thing. With that being said, I already miss living with James. It helps that we still work together but it isn't the same...basically it sucks but if it's going to save us money and hopefully let us get our own place in the future than I will just have to deal! Now on the clothes. Wednesday's outfit was one of my favorites that I've worn since I started sharing them with you guys. Both pieces are new of course. The white cropped pants are Jones New York c/o TJMaxx and the shirt is from Old Navy. I'm also wearing my favorite Steve Madden flats from TJ's. Of course I paid full price for it because I couldn't leave the store without it and I went back a week later and bought the solid white version of it for only like $8. But isn't that the way life works.

 Now my outfit from today was thrown together pretty much right before I left the house. Since we moved yesterday there were no outfits planned for the rest of the week so I just threw this together with the understanding that James wanted to "match" and he was wearing orange today. The orange cardigan is from TJMaxx...surprise, surprise, the tank is an old one from Old Navy but I love the little purple and orange flower combination. The brown pants are from K&G and the tan flats are from Target! I wore this combo about a month ago or so with black pants and the orange to the cardigan was just too bright so I'm glad I chose the brown pants to offset that a little.
 ps...ignore my broken mirror....the whole frame fell apart during the move after lasting all 4 years in college :(


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